Handling Life’s Challenges
Build your resilience by facing your fears, embracing challenges and taking care of your wellbeing. It’s not always easy and sometimes it feels downright impossible but remember, you’ve got this. You can handle it.
Build your resilience by facing your fears, embracing challenges and taking care of your wellbeing. It’s not always easy and sometimes it feels downright impossible but remember, you’ve got this. You can handle it.
Building trust with people can feel like navigating a maze. It’s like trying to assemble flat-pack furniture without the instructions — lots of trial and error, a huge amount of frustration yet incredibly rewarding when it all comes together.
As Mental Health Awareness Week from 13th to 19th May approaches, it serves as a poignant reminder of the crucial role mental wellbeing plays in our workplaces, and our lives.
Ever fancied watching the downfall of a wellbeing coach and facilitator’s mindset during the dark time that was the pandemic? Well, you’re in luck!
We all have dreams and goals we want to achieve, whether it’s advancing in our careers, improving our relationships or striving to become a better version of ourselves yet often, there’s something holding us back: limiting beliefs.
Resilience is an essential quality for helping you to navigate the huge range of challenges you may face through life. It’s not just about ‘bouncing back’ from adversity; regularly tuning into resilience levels can also help you to maintain a steady course through life’s ups and downs.
Ah, New Year’s resolutions. Every January, millions of people around the world make promises to themselves about losing weight, getting organised or finally learning that new language.
In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where innovation and adaptability reign supreme, investing in Graduate development has become more crucial than ever.
Inspirational videos have an almost unparalleled ability to nourish the soul, offering a beacon of hope and some much needed motivation in the cheesy journey that is life.
Somewhere along the road, all of us will encounter moments that test our resilience, challenge our beliefs and push us beyond our comfort zones. Among these moments are the difficult conversations that so many of us shy away from.
Resilience is a crucial ingredient for our personal and professional success. Whether we’re facing setbacks in our career, dealing with personal challenges, or navigating unexpected obstacles, resilience can help us to bounce back stronger than ever before…
Challenges come at us from all angles. It’s easier sometimes to accept that ‘that’s the way it is’ and carry on allowing our negative mindset to compromise our feelings, thoughts, and actions…or is it? Enter, the power of reframing.
Mindfulness has been heralded as one of the wonders of the wellbeing world. It’s widely proven to promote calmness, helping us be more present and encouraging reflective, introspective moments. Yet what is the dark side of mindfulness where we risk it being mis-used and therefore abused?
Anxiety affects so many of us and permeates both our personal and professional lives. With Mind UK reporting that one in every six people experience anxiety in any given week, this month’s blog is an ideal opportunity to discuss anxiety and share tips.
Has all that good work and effort we so imaginatively created and executed to ‘self-care’ for ourselves during lockdown now disappeared again in a blur of post-pandemic relapse?
I’ve never really talked at length about my emotional baggage and why I’m so passionate about helping people to switch off their internal auto-pilot to get to a stronger and more resilient mindset, yet like all of us, there is an origin story to be told.
Our auto-pilot mode makes it so natural to kick ourselves when we make a mistake, rather than consciously considering the growth that exists in learning from failure.
Music has the power to transcend, transport and tune into our emotional being, in a way that little else can. Songs for resilience in my opinion, should be mandatory!
We all suffer from time to time. Life has a habit of blindsiding us, and our resilience. Yet in a world of chaos, one thing we are always in control of however, is our mindset.
We all have a collection of coping mechanisms – both positive and negative – that help us through stressful times. When was the last time you took stock of yours?
It can be dangerously creeping and build up over time, but it is possible to tune into the signs of overwhelm to more effectively manage it.
In my latest podcast interview, Lori Weber from The Mindful Eating Clinic and I geek out about how you CAN change…no matter the time of the year!
When it comes to negative thoughts, we all have that little voice inside our head. You know the one I mean; they sound a bit like you and suffer from what-if syndrome or warn about impending doom.
World Mental Health Day is on 10th October and the theme for 2021 is ‘mental health in an unequal world’. For those of us who have experienced mental illness, it probably comes as no surprise to discover that the world is indeed unequal.
Suddenly, so many of us are wondering why we need resilience, even when we’re struggling to cope with endless change and challenges. The good news is that it’s never too late to become more resilient.
Particularly when the light is at its dimmest, even the little things to be grateful for can be hard to find. Yet they’re there, if we recognise the importance of gratitude.
We’ve all done it…driven somewhere or completed a mundane task without any recollection. We need to be in auto-pilot mode sometimes, yet too much of it can be damaging for our mindset.
When it comes to tackling imposter syndrome it all starts with – to coin a phrase from Brené Brown – the three pound weirdo that we carry around in our skull!
Are we really getting back to “normal?” Who knows what might happen, though it’s worth remembering what’s truly important before we throw ourselves back into the world.
Research suggests that music can reduce the stress hormone, cortisol and have a significantly positive impact on our resilience. Why not then, have the perfect playlist of resilience songs for when you need them the most?
We’ve all been challenged with a huge amount of change, so how do we focus on what to keep rather than what has been lost?
Your mindset sucks! Why do I say that? Because we all have mindset challenges that we struggle with. The trick is in identifying them and taking action.
Remote working has proven to have many benefits, with arguably one big downside: virtual fatigue! Virtual fatigue is real and it is threatening our wellbeing.
Okay, so you want to shift your mindset? It’s tough knowing where to start, so my techniques are practical and can help you to shift your mindset immediately.
The pandemic continues to throw SO much at us all, personally and professionally. There has never been a better time to tune into the power of mindset.
Our lurcher Max turns 13 this month. We found out yesterday that he has cancer. It’s just one more thing in a year of ‘things’ and today, I’m not okay.
We all know in our logical brain that we should respond, not react; we shouldn’t allow people and situations to trigger us, yet time and again we do!
We’re constantly told that we should have a strong mindset, yet many of us can wonder about the importance of mindset and why it is so vital.
I get a LOT of mindset questions whether it’s through my Instagram, YouTube or sliding into my inbox!
Toxic positivity is EVERYWHERE. Especially during challenging times, we are told “positive vibes only”, “it might never happen” and other such clichés!
Do you struggle resolving conflict at work? You may avoid it or perhaps find yourself getting into conflict at work a little more often than you might like!
What a bold claim! Do you agree that New Year resolutions don’t work and that they are a waste of time?
After a big change, that initial adrenaline wears off and things start to feel really tough, which is when we need some practical mindset techniques the most!
This year has thrown SO much at us. So much so that you might be wondering how to build resilience for whatever comes next.
There’s a lot going on right now, am I right? It feels like a good time to talk about how to cope with change, whether at work or in life.
It’s been a challenging year, which has reminded us all of the importance of wellbeing. Here are seven ways to do just that and boost your resilience!
My new video will help you to understand your mindset health so that you can ask yourself…do you really have a growth mindset?
It’s time for some tough love…so many of us are sabotaging ourselves by making these fixed mindset mistakes that we CAN change!
Mentoring at work can have a huge impact on our development, yet so many of us could benefit in understanding just why we need a mentor.
Learning how to deal with toxic people at work is an art form in itself and something that can make a huge difference for our personal resilience.
We all need to understand why mental health is important. World Mental Health Day is on 10th October each year, although we need to be doing all we can to look after ourselves all year round.
Difficult discussions at work are less about dusty models and tired techniques and more about our mindset and what makes us put them off for quite so long.
Rather than silence it, there are times when you need to listen to it before then learning how to manage your inner critic and stop doubting yourself.
We all have ‘those’ days when we find it hard to get motivated again! The trouble is, if they go on too long, they can detriment our mental health and wellbeing.
Knowing how to control negative thoughts and emotions is entirely possible and is so much more than hoping for the best or sticking our head in the sand.
You may not have had to worry about camera confidence at work before, yet this brave new world of remote working continues to challenge us!
A new survey from XpertHR suggests that two-thirds of people could be returning to work from furlough as early as September. What are you doing to help people?
Last time, I looked at why it’s so important, so, without further ado, let’s dive in to my top techniques on how to develop a growth mindset!
When it comes to the importance of having a growth mindset, times are tough. Yet depending on your mindset, times are always tough, or they can be challenging.
The most dangerous thing about stress signals is how easily they creep up on us to deplete our resilience. We get used to stress and the toll it takes.
When it comes to handling conflict in relationships, many of us avoid it or assume that it’s bad, when in fact using this conflict has the potential to strengthen our relationships rather than destroy them.
In a crowded market, there are a few online learning essentials to look out for to make sure the virtual learning you choose has just as much impact as if it were face to face.
You may think you know how to provide feedback, yet sometimes we need to get back to basics to make sure our feedback is powerful and effective!
Going from being one of the team to promoted to manager of the team to manager of the team can be fraught with pitfalls, but not if you go in with your eyes open.
Networking as an introvert can impact energy levels in a very different way, so let’s look at how you can make your introversion become your secret weapon when it comes to networking!
Difficult conversations can be extremely daunting and all too often we choose to avoid them or dilute the message that we really want to give.
When it comes to Emotional Intelligence, it’s more important than ever for leaders to challenge their own levels to develop this important interpersonal skill.
When we think about how to build trust, so many organisations fail to develop this essential quality. With openness being one of the top five drivers of trust, is it really rocket science, or actually quite simple?
Two things are certain in life: death and taxes. Another to add is how to manage change at work, and it isn’t going away anytime soon.
On-the-job, from others or through formal learning; take time to reflect on 70:20:10 and where your development comes from.
No matter who you are or how good you think you are, having a mentor can be an invaluable asset to your personal and professional success.
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