The Power of Mindset

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CM Learning - The Power of Mindset

The pandemic continues to throw SO much at us all, personally and professionally. There has never been a better time to tune into the power of mindset.

In my latest podcast guest interview, I discuss the power of mindset with Vicki Brown on her fantastic ‘LiveFitNow’ podcast!

We cover a range of topics related to mindset, resilience and wellbeing and explore: 

  • The power of mindset and why this is so important right now


  • Practical resilience techniques that can make an immediate difference


  • How choice can be the key to building awareness and empowerment


  • It’s okay to not be okay

Listen below and you can find more about Vicki and subscribe to the LiveFitNow podcast here! If you’re on Apple podcasts, a review would be amazing!

If you got anything from the podcast and would like to help keep me going with a nice cuppa (double espresso for me), that would be amazing.
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CM Learning Blog | Me and My Mindset the complete vlog series

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