
We all have the capacity to grow and develop, but sometimes we just need a little help navigating the common mindset pitfalls that we can fall into.

CM Learning | Mindset Coaching - what is mindset

Our brilliant brain does so much for us - it's gotten us this far - yet unbeknownst to most of us, it also does a huge amount to hinder our mindset.

If we’ve learned anything through life, it’s that change has a habit of blindsiding us unexpectedly, and that isn’t about to stop anytime soon. The impact of the 2020 pandemic on our mindset strength and resilience will play out for a long time to come. At the outset, we needed a lot of time and adjustment to slow down. We all had our auto-pilot thinking mode well and truly switched to manual and quickly had to adapt to new routines and ‘challenges’. So, it’s only natural that speeding back up again has the potential to be just as challenging.

In auto-pilot, we’re using our unconscious decision-making system to take care of the routine tasks. This can be good, because it prevents us from overloading. The trouble is, with the challenges of modern life, rather than protecting us, our auto-pilot risks stopping us from developing, learning and growing.

The more we stay in auto-pilot, the more we...

  • Stick our head in the sand and try to appear strong.
  • Repeat potentially damaging patterns.
  • Lean on unhealthy coping mechanisms.
  • Allow our thinking to ‘disasterise’ and catastrophise.
  • Focus on the things that are simply outside of our control.

...which means we...

  • Deplete our resilience by constantly putting the needs of others first.
  • Doubt our levels of ability and struggle to keep the plates spinning.
  • Limit our capacity to make decisions.
  • Damage our relationships.
  • Limit our potential for success.

We’ve faced massive change and trauma before and we will again. Most of us will have experienced bereavement, relationship breakdowns, physical and mental health concerns. The nature of change is that we will again, because life has a habit of continuing to catch us off guard.

It’s only natural that, as the world begins to speed back up again, it has the potential to be just as challenging for our mindset strength.

Imagine if there was someone who could help you to manage this effectively, by switching from auto-pilot to manual and helping you to...

  • Listen to your physiology; those little signals that your brain sends throughout your body, which the auto-pilot mode so often suppresses.
  • Tell the difference between real and imagined threat and danger (we fail to notice the difference in auto-pilot mode where even the imagined feels so real).
  • Harness the power that lies in your uniqueness, authenticity and vulnerability.
  • Identify and manage negative thinking patterns.
  • Stop wasting time and energy and instead focus on controlling the controllables.
  • Build stronger relationships with an approach that is open, honest and filled with positive intent.
  • Live a happier life, at home and at work.

With over 20 years of coaching experience, these confidential coaching sessions will challenge your thinking, introduce you to practical new ideas and make a positive lasting difference for your mindset, resilience and wellbeing.

What's included?

No matter which coaching plan you choose, it will include:

  • A 15 minute discovery call before we begin to find out more about what you are aiming to achieve.
  • Your individual Clarity4D colour personality profile.
  • Sessions that last for around 90 minutes, usually with one to three weeks in between for you to apply what we work on.
  • An emailed summary of key notes and action points after each session.
  • Phone, email and Whatsapp support throughout and beyond.

Check out a CM Learning mindset coaching case study

Chris has a really comfortable way of talking about things. He has helped me with techniques to be more resilient both at work and in my personal life. I'm more confident and productive. Thanks Chris

Get in touch to arrange your coaching!