How to Have Camera Confidence at Work

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CM Learning - camera confidence at work

You may not have had to worry about camera confidence at work before, yet this brave new world of remote working continues to challenge us! Fear not, my top five tips will help you whether it's for remote meetings, virtual presentations or online training.

With so many of us working from home on endless video calls, meetings and presentations, the time has come to really focus in on our camera confidence at work. Most of us won’t have even considered this before. We just rock-up, maybe switch the camera on if we have to, and hope for the best.

Being on camera at work is just as important as when we’re face-to-face, because it is an opportunity to influence, and when we influence we each have a choice of how that is a positive or negative influence.

Whether you like it or not, this is the way that the world is going. The more camera confidence we can have, the better the impact on our mindset and the more resilient we start to feel.

Teams work across regions, across countries. Flexible working means that more and more of us are working at home. My cheesy X-Factor journey to camera confidence hasn’t always been easy. In the beginning, eight or so years ago, I was too scripted, I didn’t feel like I could be myself (not to mention terrible lighting and sound), but at least I was doing it!

Whether you like it or not, this is the way that the world is going.

Fast forward to now, I can show my vulnerability and imperfections and look the camera in the eye to get across what I want to say; whether that’s in a remote meeting or presentation, recording a video or facilitating some online learning and development.

My short video walks you through my top 5 tips that will boost your camera confidence at work, whether that’s for remote meetings, virtual presentations or online training:

  1. To sit or not to sit?

  2. Look ’em in the eyes

  3. Be your weird authentic self

  4. Silence is golden

  5. Be top-half ready

Take a look and be sure to subscribe for more videos to help your mindset strength and resilience!

We're living in a time where the world is full of 'Zoom-bies'. Being in front of the camera for endless back to back meetings is far from ideal, but it is what many of us are being required to do at the minute. The least we can all do is help ourselves to have more camera confidence at work!

I love helping people to develop their mindset, resilience and wellbeing with the videos I produce. If you get anything from them and would like to help keep me going with a nice cuppa (double espresso for me), that would be amazing.
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