It's time for some tough many of us are sabotaging ourselves by making these fixed mindset mistakes that we CAN change!
Many of us go through life thinking that we are unable to change. This is a key belief of a fixed mindset; that our natural talents, skills and abilities cannot be developed.
On the surface of it, this makes sense. We all have decades of experiences that have gone towards forming our internal values and belief system that tells us in a split second what is right, what is wrong, what is good and what is bad.
We allow ourselves to repeat the same damaging patterns, though it is entirely possible to switch our internal autopilot to manual and decide on a different response. In doing so, we can move from a fixed mindset to much more of a growth mindset, build our confidence, manage our inner critic and eliminate that dreaded Imposter Syndrome!
We go through life unaware of our fixed mindset and the limiting impact of the mistakes that we are unconsciously making. Perhaps we don’t know about our blind spots (though it’s entirely possible that we are fully aware of them, yet we hide them from others).
Based on my experience from years of mindset and resilience facilitation and coaching, there are three most common fixed mindset mistakes that so many of us are making, and they can be developed. Just like any other element of our development, it just takes time, focus, effort and commitment to make it happen.